Protect Your Home from the Care Act
Why is the 2014 Care Act hated so much?
Because it is brutal!
If you need care and it is not what is defined in the Act as “Health Provision”, then you now have to pay for it yourself.
As an example, if you have dementia, most if not all of the care cost for this will be your own financial responsibility.
The Local Authority will pick up the tab if you cannot afford to pay for it yourself, but they have draconian rules to determine whether or not that is the case.
So if you own your own home they will (with some exceptions outlined below) require you to use that to pay for your care. The legacy you were hoping to pass on to your children and grandchildren will therefore probably disappear down the greedy sinkhole of care costs that consume almost everything you own. Including your home.
The steps you need to take to protect your home from the Care Act depend on whether you live there as a couple or live there alone.
If you are a couple to find out more.
If you are not a couple, but share your home with someone else, to find out more.
If you live alone, to find out more.